Weekly Corn Market Update
Welcome to the home of Quartzite’s Weekly Corn Market Update. Check-in each week for the latest updates. You can find all 2021 crop year and beyond archived here. For an archive of 2020 updates, click here. We publish the Weekly Corn Market Update each week to provide an insight into our current marketing thoughts, as well as a window into the strategy that underpins Quartzite Precision Marketing, our flagship hedging strategy for grain and soybean producers.

Weekly Corn Market Update 11/01/24
For next week's trading in Dec24 corn futures, we consider trade in the $4.0275-$4.2675 per bushel range unremarkable. Notable moves extend to the $3.8025-$4.5200 per bushel range. Price action beyond that would be extreme.

Weekly Corn Market Update 10/25/24
For next week's trading in Dec24 corn futures, we consider trade in the $4.0575-$4.2550 per bushel range unremarkable. Notable moves extend to the $3.8725-$4.4750 per bushel range. Price action beyond that would be extreme.

Weekly Corn Market Update 10/18/24
For next week's trading in Dec24 corn futures, we consider trade in the $3.9475-$4.1450 per bushel range unremarkable. Notable moves extend to the $3.7775-$4.3225 per bushel range. Price action beyond that would be extreme.

Weekly Corn Market Update 10/11/24
For next week's trading in Dec24 corn futures, we consider trade in the $4.0600-$4.2550 per bushel range unremarkable. Notable moves extend to the $3.8350-$4.4725 per bushel range. Price action beyond that would be extreme.

Weekly Corn Market Update 10/04/24
For next week's trading in Dec24 corn futures, we consider trade in the $4.1225-$4.3900 per bushel range unremarkable. Notable moves extend to the $3.9275-$4.6525 per bushel range. Price action beyond that would be extreme.